Voicemail Transcription: A.I. to Save the Day (and Your Time)
In a tech world where artificial intelligence and machine learning are making our lives easier every day, we’re proud to launch a new feature to the Audian system which stays true to our Simplicity, Speed, and Service mantra that resonates so well with business owners. While we pride our telecom solutions on having hundreds of Features already built in for every need, our tech engineers also recognize the need to constantly be pushing the envelope to build, test, tweak, and launch new Features for Audian customers. Always evolving our technology to keep up with how business owners operate in today’s economy is a cornerstone of our approach to business and service.
To that point, we recently launched Voicemail Transcription, available now within all Audian accounts. Now you may have a similar service on your smartphone, but we all know how reliable those transcriptions can be...setting new records for misunderstanding, misspelling, and a few good laughs from time to time. The core, A.I-driven technology we utilize as the backbone of our Voicemail Transcription services could teach Siri a thing or two about A.I., spelling, and comprehension.
In Audian’s system, our Voicemail Transcription feature sends an email users with not only an audio file of the voicemail which has been left, but also a full text transcription of the message. For many of us who haven’t had a great experience to date with similar technologies, you may be asking “why would I use a transcription service?”....let us give you a few highlights of how this new service can help your business.

Audian’s reliable voicemail transcriptions...
- make it simple to gather contact names and phone numbers without having to listen to voicemails multiple times saving time and resources.
- at a glance help users determine if voicemail is relevant to their interests.
- are perfect for busy users who are often in positions where they cannot listen to voice messages such as in a meeting, at a quiet or loud location.
- provide a full record of voicemails in the users email, allowing for much improved search functionality and ease of finding past messages.
- allow for voicemails to be sent to multiple users or email distribution groups for better coverage and response time.
With artificial intelligence features like Voicemail Transcription touching (and for the most part helping) so many aspects of our lives, this is just the start of more “smart” features to come in business telecom. We’re clearly big fans of testing and utilizing the latest A.I. technologies to enhance the Audian experience, improving our customers’ Telecompetence so they can focus their time and efforts on growing their business, not on their phone system.
Click here to learn more about Audian’s solutions and contact our team for more information or a demonstration of this and other features of our system.